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Woman in Yellow
Portrait of a Blonde Woman

My life has changed drastically for the better. What i have achieved in the 6 weeks working with Meg is something I was unable to achieve in years of intense therapy


My whole attitude towards food has changed. Of course there is still work to be done (which I now feel able to do myself) but I haven’t binged since starting the programme and I’ve been able to eat “fear” or “trigger” foods in moderation. I have a much more mindful approach to eating and I no longer fear if something doesn’t fit my pre determined diet rules. The whole process has been completely liberating.


This was an amazing opportunity that I will forever be grateful for doing because now I am in a better place in my recovery journey and also looking forward to the future instead of being scared of it.


Cute Young Girl

I've 'completed' a multitude of programs and this one by far is the only one I truly completed. Every aspect was incredibly necessary and helpful and something I will continue to read/practice moving forward. This program was extremely personal and realistic.


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